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Chewing Science: Touch the Shape of Sound
2017-06-19 文/本站
Editor Summary:
Brief Introduction of the Work: This series uses a lively way to tell scientific stories and lead children to explore the secret of the world. Readers would not only experience the amazing world of science, but also would appreciate the happiness broughtBook Name: Chewing Science: Touch the Shape of Sound
Author: Tang Yunjiang
Publication date: 2015.05
Price: 20.00 CNY
ISBN: 978-7-5332-8559-3
Pages: 204
Format: 150*210mm
Brief Introduction of the Work: This series uses a lively way to tell scientific stories and lead children to explore the secret of the world. Readers would not only experience the amazing world of science, but also would appreciate the happiness brought by scientific knowledge. It has won Laurel Book Prize in 2014.