Shandong Fine Arts Publishing House Successfully Exported the Copyright of Research on Kirin Songzito Science Press of Lebanon, a publishing house of the Belt and Road Initiatives countries, via the platform of Abu Dhabi International Book Fair
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Shandong Fine Arts Publishing House successfully exported the copyright of Research on Kirin Songzito Science Press of Lebanon, a publishing house of the Belt and Road Initiatives countries, via the platform of Abu Dhabi International Book Fair2017年4月26日,阿布紮比國(country)際書展在(exist)阿聯酋阿布紮比國(country)家展覽中心拉開了(Got it)帷幕。中國(country)爲(for)本屆書展的(of)主賓國(country),主賓國(country)活動的(of)主題爲(for)“閱讀中國(country)”。山東出(out)版傳媒股份有限公司精心準備,選派人(people)員參加“一(one)帶一(one)路”上(superior)的(of)重要(want)國(country)際書展。
On April 26, 2017, Abu Dhabi International Book Fair opened in the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Center in the United Arab Emirates. As the Guest of Honor, China brought to the Book Fair the theme “Reading China”. Shandong Publishing&Media Co., Ltd carefully prepared and selected books for this important international book exhibition in the Belt and Road Initiatives country.
On the opening day, the signing ceremony of Shandong Fine Arts Publishing Co. Ltd.’s export of the copyright of Research on Kirin Songzi to Lebanon Science Press was held in the Guest of Honor area as one of the theme activities.
本次輸出(out)版權的(of)《麒麟送子考索》一(one)書,是(yes)由中國(country)著名的(of)工藝美術史論家、民藝學研究創始人(people)張道一(one)教授撰寫的(of)。該書從麒麟這(this)一(one)傳統文化符号入手,呈現了(Got it)民間藝術所締造的(of)燦爛輝煌的(of)華夏文明。傳統文化是(yes)中華民族跻身世界民族之林的(of)重要(want)基礎,在(exist)傳承的(of)基礎上(superior),提煉精華、大(big)膽創新、兼容并包,探索傳統民藝與現代藝術的(of)融合發展之路,是(yes)本書的(of)價值所在(exist)。
The book Research on Kirin Songzi was written by Zhang Daoyi, a famous Chinese critic on arts and crafts History and founder of research on folk art. Traditional culture is the base of Chinese people and Kirin is one of the important cultural symbols. This book showcases the splendid Chinese civilization and explores the possible combination of traditional folk art and modern art.
中國(country)國(country)家新聞出(out)版廣電總局進口管理司巡視員陳英明先生(born)前來(Come)祝賀。他(he)希望将中國(country)和(and)包括黎巴嫩在(exist)内的(of)阿拉伯國(country)家的(of)優秀圖書互譯出(out)版,爲(for)中國(country)和(and)阿拉伯國(country)家讀者提供更加豐富的(of)圖書,讓中阿讀者通過閱讀了(Got it)解更多的(of)中阿文化藝術,促進中阿文化交流。
Mr. Chen Yingming, the inspector of Import and Export Division of State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television of the People’s Republic of China, came to show his congratulations. He hoped that China and the Arab countries like Lebanon could import, translate and publish good books from each other, so that readers can learn more about both Chinese and Arabic culture and cultural communication can be promoted.
山東出(out)版傳媒股份有限公司董事長張志華先生(born)出(out)席了(Got it)簽約儀式并緻辭。張志華董事長說,山東是(yes)孔孟之鄉,有着深厚的(of)曆史文化積澱。他(he)希望借麒麟這(this)隻神獸,把友誼和(and)良好的(of)祝願送給全世界的(of)朋友們(them),也希望由此開啓山東美術出(out)版社與黎巴嫩科學出(out)版社長期友好合作(do)的(of)新篇章。
Mr. Zhang Zhihua, Chairman of Shandong Publishing&Media Co., Ltd. attended the signing ceremony and delivered his speech. He said that as the hometown of Confucius and Mencius, Shandong has a profound historical and cultural accumulation. He hoped that Kirin, the mythical animal of China, can bring friendship and good wishes to the world and open the new chapter of the long-term cooperation between Shandong Fine Arts Publishing House and Lebanon Science Press.
作(do)爲(for)中國(country)主賓國(country)系列活動之一(one),山東美術出(out)版社和(and)黎巴嫩科學出(out)版社的(of)簽約既是(yes)山東出(out)版“走出(out)去”的(of)重要(want)成果,也是(yes)讓國(country)外讀者了(Got it)解中國(country)傳統文化獨特魅力的(of)一(one)次良機。兩家同樣有着三十多年曆史的(of)專業出(out)版社将以(by)此次合作(do)爲(for)開端,通過傳統文化的(of)交流,爲(for)中國(country)和(and)阿拉伯之間的(of)文化交流增添一(one)座橋梁。
As an important part of the Guest of Honor activities, this signing ceremony is a great achievement of Shandong publishing houses. The cooperation of the two publishing houses that both have histories of more than thirty years can be a cultural bridge that links the two countries and two different cultures. Through this bridge, oversea readers can have the opportunity to feel and touch the unique charm of traditional Chinese culture.